21 속담 Y
속담 Y 1 You cannot make a silk purse out [...]
속담 Y 1 You cannot make a silk purse out [...]
속담 W 1 Walls have ears.벽에도 귀가 있다, 밤 말은 [...]
속담 V 1 Virtue is its own reward.덕행은 스스로 보답을 [...]
속담 U 1 Union is [gives] strength.단결은 힘이다.United we stand, [...]
속담 T 1 Talk of the devil, (and) he will [...]
속담 S 1 Sadness and gladness succeed each other.슬픔과 기쁨은 [...]
속담 R 1 Riches have wings.돈에는 날개가 있다, 돈은 헤픈 [...]
속담 P 1 Patience is a virtue.참는 것은 미덕이다. parsnip= [...]
속담 O 1 Once a beggar, always a beggar.거지질 사흘 [...]
속담 N 1 Name not a rope in his house [...]